The Art of Falling of a Cliff

Dec 1, 2023
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In the grand theater of existence, our lives are akin to being dropped from an unseen cliff at birth. It's a profound metaphor, reflecting the precarious and unknown journey of life and its inevitable conclusion: mortality. We are all travelers on this journey, descending through the passage of time, yet curiously, many of us spend our lives in an elaborate dance of denial, skillfully avoiding the thought of the ground rushing up to meet us.
The concept of mortality, though universally applicable, remains a subject shrouded in evasion. We busy ourselves with the minutiae of daily life, constructing a reality where the end seems perpetually distant. It's an understandable, albeit curious, aspect of human nature. Our minds are wired for survival, not for the contemplation of its end. This instinctive aversion to the thought of our mortality is a psychological sleight of hand, an act of self-preservation that shields us from the paralyzing grip of existential dread.
Yet, this evasion comes at a cost. In ignoring the reality of our finite existence, we risk living in a state of superficiality, where the depth and richness of life are sacrificed at the altar of denial. It's like living in a house with no mirrors, where one never sees their true reflection and hence, never fully comprehends their own reality. By sidestepping the contemplation of our mortality, we deny ourselves the opportunity to fully embrace the preciousness of our existence.
There are those among us who, instead of acknowledging the inevitability of the descent, choose to believe in a form of existential escapism. They cling to beliefs or ideologies that promise an escape from the finality of death, a sort of metaphysical parachute that will somehow soften the inevitable impact. While such beliefs provide comfort, they also distance us from the acceptance of a fundamental truth of our existence: that every life is a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Confronting our mortality, however, is not an exercise in nihilism or despair. On the contrary, it is a pathway to a deeper appreciation of life. By acknowledging the impermanence of our existence, we can begin to view each day as a precious gift, not a perpetual guarantee. This perspective can be profoundly liberating, enabling us to live more authentically, to prioritize what truly matters, and to let go of trivial preoccupations.
In a world that often values the superficial, the acknowledgment of our mortality grounds us in reality. It reminds us that time is a finite resource, one that should be spent wisely and with purpose. It encourages us to forge genuine connections, to seek experiences that enrich our souls, and to leave a legacy that extends beyond our physical presence.
Moreover, embracing our mortality can also foster a sense of solidarity with our fellow human beings. The awareness that we are all participants in the same journey, each with our own unique cliff, has the power to cultivate empathy and compassion. It is a reminder that despite our differences, we share the most fundamental human experience: the journey towards an inevitable end.
In conclusion, while the avoidance of thinking about our mortality is a natural human inclination, there is profound wisdom in confronting this uncomfortable truth. It is a journey from denial to acceptance, from superficial living to depth, from isolation to solidarity. By acknowledging the cliff from which we are all descending, we can live with greater intention, authenticity, and compassion. The ground may be rushing up to meet us, but the journey down – how we choose to live in the face of this truth – is what truly defines us.

© Victor Augusteo 2021 - 2024